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- <title>
- French Minister Gives Plan for Nuclear Waste Disposal
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- Foreign Broadcast Information Service, May 21, 1992
- France: Minister Outlines Plans for Nuclear Waste Disposal
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- <p>[Paris France-Inter Radio Network in French 2030 GMT 19 May 92]
- </p>
- <p> [Excerpt] The Russian energy minister confirms that research
- workers in his country are developing a method to dispose of
- nuclear and chemical waste through underground nuclear
- explosions. Meanwhile, France has expressed an interest in
- another method. It may put the Super-Phoenix reactor at Creys-
- Malville nuclear plant back into service to turn it into a
- nuclear and chemical waste burner. Industry Minister Dominique
- Strauss-Kahn explained to Bruno Rougier how Super-Phoenix may
- tomorrow become a superincinerator capable of solving the
- problem of toxic waste drums that nobody needs.
- </p>
- <p> [Begin Strauss-Kahn recording] I think that electricity
- production alone cannot justify the use of Super-Phoenix today.
- Two possible interests thus emerge: The first one is research
- work on nuclear breeders; the second one is to use Super-Phoenix
- no longer as a nuclear breeder but as an incinerator of nuclear
- waste; that is, as a sort of machine whose role is to destroy
- nuclear waste.
- </p>
- <p> With Super-Phoenix France has at its disposal a tool for
- conducting tests for ideas that work in theory need to be proved
- in practice. This can help confirm whether it is possible to
- have a sort of boiler capable of burning nuclear waste. This
- could be a significant step forward, according to scientists.
- If the idea works, it will be then worth conducting other tests
- aimed at assessing the incinerating capacity of Super-Phoenix.
- [passage omitted] [end recording]
- </p>
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